Friday, September 30, 2011

Leg Warmers

I absolutly love the look of babylegs/leg warmers on kids and babies but I do not love the price tag so I will show you how to make them at home for a fraction of the cost.
Step 1. Gather Supplies. 
Knee high socks
needle and thread (or sewing machine)

I found these socks on sale at JCPenney in a two pack for $6. I have also gotten them at KMart. The dollar store and Target are also good places to look. If you are making these for a baby I would suggest girls knee high socks and if they are for an older kid use women's knee high sock.

Step 2. Cut off the heel and toe.
Step 3. Turn the foot part of the sock inside itself.
The wrong sides should be together and this will give the bottom the leg warmer a nice bottom cuff. If you are using women's socks and making this for a baby you might want to make the cuff smaller by cutting it down one edge before folding and resewing it together. I skipped that this time because I want my older daughters to be able to wear these too.
Step 4. Place the cuff around the long part of the sock.

Step 5. Pin into place.
Do not skip this step! The first pair I made I thought I should be able to just hold the layers in place as I went along but the cut ends of the sock roll a lot.
Step 6. Sew the layers together.
You can use a sewing machine for this step if you wish. Use a zigzag stitch very close to the end.  If you don't have a sewing machine doing it by hand works just as well and really doesn't take that long.

Step 7. Turn the cuff down and you have completed your legwarmer!

These leg warmers are great for underneath skirts as the weather gets cooler. They can also be worn on the arms for a different look. Put them on a baby that is learning to crawl to protect their little knees. They aren't just for girls either. If you have a boyish design on the socks little boys can wear them as well.
They really are a 'one size fits most ' item.

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